High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension 高血壓控制.jpg

Hypertension also is known as high blood pressure, an extremely common condition. However, uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack and many potentially life-threatening diseases. 1 of 3 adults in the United States have high blood pressure, and only about 54% of these individuals have their high blood pressure under control, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Besides using medications to control blood pressure, lifestyle modification includes maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in physical activities, quitting smoking and managing stress can help lower your blood pressure gradually. AAMG provides an arrange of resources to help you maintain healthy blood pressure.

高血壓英文是 hypertension 或 high blood pressure。它是一種 極為常見的病症。然而,不經治療控制的高血壓可導致中風、心臟病發作等許多可能危及生命的疾病。 根據疾病控制和預防中心(CDC),在美國每三個成年人就有一個罹患高血壓,而只有約 54% 高血壓患者的病情受到控制。除了使用藥物來控制血壓外,生活習慣的改變包括保持健康的飲食習慣、運動、戒煙和舒緩壓力,也有助於逐漸降低您的血壓。 美亞醫療集團致力提供各種資源,以幫助您保持健康的血壓。

Resources / 中英健康資源

Videos / 中英視頻






(Cantonese) Doctor Explains Blood Pressure Readings


(Cantonese) How Much Do You Know About Heart Disease? General Info by AAMG


(Cantonese) How Much Does a Chinese-Style High-Carb Diet Affect Blood Sugar? Let’s Experiment!


How to Use a Glucometer


(Cantonese) Blood Pressure Problems - Q&A with Dr. Kenneth Chang


(Cantonese) A Haunting Experience - Advice for Stroke Patients


10 Common Mistakes When Taking Your Blood Pressure


Why You Must Know About Measuring Blood Pressure Right Now


How Diabetes & Hypertension Can Affect Your Kidneys (Mandarin)


How healthy eating prevents and manages diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure

Hypertension Health Talk by Kenneth Chang, M.D. 陳鴻杰醫生的高血壓健康講座(廣東話)


What is Hypertension?


How Do You Measure Blood Pressure?


Causes, Symptoms, and Complications of Hypertension


What Are the Treatment Methods for Hypertension?

飲食! 體力活動! 監測血壓!

Diet! Physical Activity! Monitor Blood Pressure!

控制血壓, 從改變生活方式開始

Control Blood Pressure, Start with Lifestyle Changes


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